Wednesday, June 29

French toast with confit figs & vanilla ice cream


  • 6 large figs
  • shot of port
  • shot of liqueur
  • shot of white wine
  • 100 gr. sugar
  • 8 pieces stale, crustless white bread
  • Cinnamon to taste
  • sugar for garnish
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 liter milk
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • pats cream butter
  • 1 star anise
  • pinch of salt
  • Vanilla ice cream
  1. -In a Medium tolarge (non reactive pan) add liquers, sugar, vanilla pod, anise together and warm gradually to dissolve all sugar.

    -add figs and make sure that the figs remain in an upright, standing position. Make sure that the liquid covers the figs so that the flavors are absorbed.

    -Allow figs to cook until soft.

    -In a medium mixing bowl, add eggs and milk, and a pinch of salt and whisk until lightly frothy.

    -With a metal cooking ring, cut out large circles from each slice of bread.

    -Put each circle of bread through the egg mixture (both sides) and remove from egg mixture. Set aside on plate for frying.

    -In a small, flat bowl, mix sugar and cinnamon together for dredging. Set aside.

    -In a large frying pan, melt a pat of butter and fry the french toast rounds until crispy and golden on the outside.

    -Remove each french toast round when done and dredge through the cinnamon/sugar mixture.

    -Center the french toast round in the center of the plate. Place a fig center atop the french toast round.

    -Place a scoop of (good quality) vanilla ice cream next to fig on french toast round.

    -With a spoon, spoon a bit of the syrup from fig pot over the ice cream, fig, and french toast.

    -Serve immediately.

-Serves 6


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